
  1. Cima, L., Trujillo, A., Avvenuti, M., & Cresci, S. (2024). The Great Ban: Efficacy and Unintended Consequences of a Massive Deplatforming Operation on Reddit. Companion Publication of the 16th ACM Web Science Conference, 85–93.
  2. Tessa, B., Cima, L., Trujillo, A., Avvenuti, M., & Cresci, S. (2024). Beyond Trial-and-Error: Predicting User Abandonment After a Moderation Intervention. ArXiv Preprint ArXiv:2404.14846.
  3. Trujillo, A., Fagni, T., & Cresci, S. (2023). The DSA Transparency Database: Auditing Self-reported Moderation Actions by Social Media. ArXiv Preprint ArXiv:2312.10269.