Personalized Interventions Against Online Toxicity

A research project to improve the effectiveness of social media moderation

The Threat of Online Toxicity

Online toxicity hinders the exchange of information, increases radicalization, and may even cause offline harms. Hence, online platforms employ various moderation interventions, such as warning messages or the removal of toxic content and users, but with varying success.

Woman looking with disbelief her phone due to online toxic against her
“So far, all moderation interventions followed a one-size-fits-all approach, where each intervention was applied in the same way for all users. However, personalization in online moderation remains completely unexplored”

- PIANO consortium

Research Objectives

To improve moderation interventions against online toxicity on users of social media, PIANO has two main Research Objectives (ROs):


National Research Council
University of Pisa
University of Foggia
Learn More About the Project